Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Learning vs Education

We as a parent must know meaning of learning and education..ataupon dlm bahasa melayunye pembelajaran vs pendidikan..

Education boleh mmberi tekanan kpd kanak, but learning is not..especially when presented in fun and loving way..;)

The word "learning" is not synonymous with the word education. Education begins at six, while learning begin at birth! And all children love to learn and are superb learners.

Setuju x???

Mengikut logic..baby will start learning when they are born,but in fact the learning process actually start much earlier than this..can u believe it?

Haa..actually they start learning when they are still in our (mother) womb..kalu x caya..yg ngah pregnant 2 try ckp2 ngan baby..bagi bby dgr ayat quran or music..baby akan beri reaksi dgn menendang n bergolek2 dlm perut..;D

Then bile da lahir..learning process will continue..baby learning to recognize your voice, your face,your touch etc..baby will responding when we talk with them..they will try to hold a rattle,grasping a favourite toys n byk lg..

Sume to learning process..bile anak da smakin besar..we as a parent have to encourage their imagination,language,etc..

Let your child do what comes naturally..PLAY..make learning child's play..kanak2 mmg mmpunyai instinct to explore and discover..sbenanye kt harus berbangga bile anak kt x geti diam..habes 1 rumah nk diexplore nye..huhuu..sbb diorang belajar smbil bermain..nanges mak bapak..aku pon x terkecuali la jenis yg bl anak sepahkan uma rase nak marah n bebel je..hihi..

Kita kena rajen bercerita tntg apa yg kt tau like sport,science,art..bcoz your kids will sense your fascination even mereka x berapa faham the topic..pas2 rajen2 la wat activity dgn anak2..

..focus on the process,not the outcome..jgn terlalu memaksa anak..sentiasa bg semangat kat anak bile die wat sesuatu..walaupn hasilnye x seberapa..bg pujian..baru la self estemm anak meningkat..

Actually ada byk lg..tp ni je la yg larat makcik nak taip..haha..aku pon masih dlm proses belajar..cume kalu blh aku xnk pakse anak on education..ikut her interest ..apa yg die minat..

Ok bye!


  1. first time datang..salam kenal dari saya :)

  2. bagus jugak la .. ni rajin dgn x je. tq share byk yg sy dpt ilmu kanak2 yg awesome :0


trima kasih kerana meninggalkan jejak..=)